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Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

Thursday Morning Mark Bible Study

 Leader: Pastor Warskow
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
N5015 Beaverbrook Avenue
Spooner WI 
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Meeting Day(s): Thursday
Meeting Time: 10:00am

The Thursday class meets at 10:00 am in the fellowship hall of the church. Our current topic is the Book of Mark.  The study sheets are listed below.

In September 2020 the Wednesday and Thursday classes were combined to facilitate the Remote Learning Center being held on Wednesdays when the Spooner schools are closed as a result of the Corona Virus. 
For more information contact Pastor Warskow.



1:1 Mark's opening words indicate that he intended this book to be more than a biography of an important man.

  1. According to verse one, what was Mark's personal conviction about Jesus, and the purpose of this book about Jesus?
  1. 1:2,3 Mark quotes Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1. These are John's Old Testament "credentials.'' They remind us that Christianity was not a new religion, but the fulfillment of God's promises made through history up to that time.
  1. 1:4-6 In what way did John the Baptist "prepare the way for the Lord?"
  1. How did the place where he preached, and even his clothing, reinforce his message?
  1. 1:7,8 In what way would Jesus be superior to John? (See Acts 1:5)
  1. How did the Holy Spirit and the Father attest to Jesus being the Christ?
  1. Why would the words of the Father not only be public proof of Jesus' personhood, but a personal assurance for Jesus?
  1. 1:12,13 What credentials to assure us Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, are in these verses?
  1. Why is it so vital for us to know Jesus experienced and overcame this challenge from Satan?
  1. Respond to the statement: "It was easy for Jesus to resist temptation - after all, he was God's Son."
  1. This, of course, was just the beginning of Jesus' battle against Satan for us. When did the battle finally end?
  1. 1:14,15 When Jesus publically began his ministry, John's purpose was complete. Probably 6 months after Jesus' baptism, John was arrested and eventually beheaded.
  1. What is the kingdom of God? In what way is it good news? (See Jeremiah 23:5,6)
  1. Why is repentance an entrance requirement to this kingdom?
  1. 1:16-20 Simon (later called Peter) and his brother Andrew had been disciples of John the Baptist. They and some of the other disciples had already met Jesus and even accompanied him in Judea.
  1. There's some lessons in discipleship to be learned from this section. What type of men did Jesus choose as his disciples (qualification-wise)? What kind of commitment did they exhibit? What were they called to do?
  1. 1:21-28 Jesus' headquarters for his ministry in Galilee was Capernaum, on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee.
  1. Palestine in the Time of Christ
  1. vv. 21,22 Synagogue: The building in which a local "congregation" of Jews would meet for worship and prayer. It was custom to let a guest teacher teach, if one was available.
  1. How did the teachers of the law teach?
A.   Their message was legalistic. The emphasis was on God's laws, and how they were meant to be kept.
B.   Their message emphasized trivialities. The Jews had added hundreds of trivial little laws to the laws God had given his people. For example, there were laws on how to ceremoniously clean kitchen utensils.
C.   Their message was based on men's interpretations rather than on the clear word of God. Other rabbis were quoted more than the Lord.
  1. How did Jesus' teaching differ?
  1. How might we (pastors, teachers, parents) fail to teach with authority today?
  1. vv. 23,24 Comment on this statement: These demons express better theology than many religious leaders today.
  1. vv. 25,26 Why did Jesus silence the evil spirit, if what he said was the truth?
  1. What did Jesus' driving out of the demons say about him (Jesus)?
  1. What do we learn about demons from this section?
  1. Demon possession is a fascinating topic, certainly real, and probably more prevalent than we realize. However, what tactic of Satan should be of greater concern? (John 8:44)
  1. vv. 27,28 How can we produce the same kind of response in people today?(John 17:8,20)
  1. vv. 29-31 Jesus healed a fever in the privacy of a home. No public razzle-dazzle to wow people here. So why did Jesus do it?
  1. Of what comfort is this account?
 Note: Peter is considered by the Roman Catholic church to be the first Bishop of Rome and the Apostolic successor of Christ. What's ironic about that, given these verses?
  1. vv. 32-34 Bible Trivia Question: Why did the people wait till sundown to see Jesus?

   32. What kind of Jesus do we see in these verses?

  1. v. 35 What does this verse teach us about prayer?
  2. vv. 36,37 Respect for Jesus' dedication to prayer is missing. What seemed more important to the disciples? 
  1. vv. 38,39 Although Jesus, to this point, already has done numerous miracles, what does he state as the primary purpose of his ministry? Consider many religious leaders today. In light of the emphasis of Jesus' ministry, evaluate faith healers and other healing-oriented ministries. 
  1. v. 40 Evaluate this leper's approach to Jesus.
  1. vv. 41,42 How different Jesus was from the Pharisee and teachers of the law who demanded strict obedience to all the Levitical laws and regulations! The leper and Jesus both break the Levitical law. The point: Jesus put people and compassion above adherence to the letter of the Levitical Law (not above the letter of the moral law!) This one touch is worth a thousand words
  2.   vv. 43-45 Jesus instructed this man to go to the priests - this was according to the Levitical Law, but was also a testimony to the religious leaders about Jesus. Why did Jesus tell the man not to tell anyone about what he'd done?  
 Chapter Two
  1. vv. 1-12 Note: The roofs of Jesus' time were typically flat. Clay tiles and wood beams made up the roof. It would have been fairly easy to move atop the roof and also easy to dismantle a section. 

  • Put yourself in Jesus' position. You're preaching to a crowd hanging on your every word. Suddenly there are loud noises coming from the roof. People start to look up and whisper.

  • Then a few chips and chunks of clay tile start falling down on your head! Soon no one is listening to you. People are pointing and talking out loud about the commotion above.

  • The men who brought the paralytic to Jesus had faith that Jesus had the POWER to help their friend. What else did they believe about Jesus (considering the commotion they caused that ruined Jesus' presentation)?

  1. Why did the teachers of the law claim that Jesus was blaspheming?

  2. What in verse 8 proves that Jesus is God?

  3. Explain Jesus' logic in verses 9-11.

  4. Why were the first words Jesus spoke to the man, "Son, your sins are forgiven"?

  5. Jesus calls himself "The Son of Man". Why is this such an appropriate name for Jesus? See Daniel 7:13,14.

NOTE: You will see that the term "The Son of Man" is most frequently used by Jesus, rather than the term "Messiah" since most Jews at this time associated political power and glory with the Messiah.
vv. 13-17 Note: Levi was a tax collector, hired by the Roman government to collect tax income from his own people. With a reputation for cheating and extortion, these people were despised by the Jews.


  1. Levi, also called "Matthew" (See 3:18 and Matt. 10:3), was probably a customs agent since a major trade route ran through Capernaum. He had probably heard Jesus preach and teach before; his calling may not have been "out of the blue".

  2. Levi's leaving of his occupation was a greater sacrifice than that of the fishermen who became disciples. Why?

  3. The teachers of the law (here, specifically Pharisees) again question Jesus' character. Why do you think they have not directly questioned Jesus himself about his behavior?

  4. What bothered the Pharisees about Jesus' behavior?


  1. Explain Jesus' remark to the Pharisees. Apply Jesus' words to the ideas about man's natural condition popular in our world.

  2. Society's worst followed Jesus. Why? Why would Jesus allow his reputation to be soiled by his association with these types?

  3. vv. 18-22 What was implied in this question? (v. 18)

 Note: The Pharisees carried fasting to a pietistic extreme, fasting twice a week when Old Testament law demanded fasting but once a year on the Great Day of Atonement. John's disciples may have been fasting (an expression of sorrow) due to John's imprisonment.

  1. Verses 19 and 20 may be illuminated by John the Baptist's words in John 3:28,29. What was Jesus saying here?


  1. Jesus' point in verses 21 and 22: Putting old and new together doesn't work. The old covenant of law and ritual served to point to Jesus. With Jesus' coming, a new covenant of grace and freedom was established. See Galatians 3:23-25, 5:1.

Vv. 23-28 One of the most important parts of God's law was the Sabbath (Exodus 31.12-17). However, the Pharisees had made it a mere legalistic ritual and failed to emphasize its overriding spiritual message. Evidence is the addition of 39 classifications (plus sub classifications!) of work prohibited by the Sabbath by the time of Christ.
Note: The disciples' actions were endorsed by Old Testament law (See Deuteronomy 23:25). The Pharisees were upset because their gleaning was taking place on the Sabbath.

 16. Jesus' reply begins with historical support for the disciples' behavior from 1 Samuel 21:1-6. Why was situation at David's time similar to this one with the disciples?
17Jesus' point: See verse 27.
18. In Matthew's account (Matt. 12) he records that Jesus also told the Pharisees, "If you had known what these words mean, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice," you would not have condemned the innocent." How does that verse help us to understand the Pharisee's misunderstanding about Old Testament law? Apply Jesus' words to Seventh Day Adventist theology.
19. What was Jesus clearly implying in verse 27b?
Chapter Three

  1. vv. 1-6 Jesus was being closely watched to see if he would break the Sabbath by healing this man. How did Jesus turn the tables on the Pharisees?

Interesting how plotting murder on the Sabbath didn't seem to bother the Pharisees! So desperate were they already, that they formed an alliance with the normally despised Herodians who had ties to the hated Romans.

  1. vv. 7-12 Why did Jesus want the small boat to be ready?

 Note that these crowds were not necessarily Jewish. What does that tell you about Jesus idea of the "ideal" church member?  

  1. vv. 13-19 Note that the apostles (lit. "sent out" ones) were called not because of their qualifications but simply because Jesus wanted them. (a good reminder for those considering the ministry!)

  Simon is given the name "Peter" (rock) and James and John are tabbed "Boanerges" (sons of thunder). These names are not necessarily complimentary. Peter was as (sometime foolishly) stubborn as an old rock. James and John had fiery tempers that sometimes exploded like thunder.
  1. How often do we consider that Judas Iscariot preached the Gospel and was able to drive out demons. What happened to him? What warning is there for us in his story?
  1. vv. 20-30 Why does Jesus' family conclude that he is "out of his mind"?
  1. People today still want to take charge of Jesus and make him fit their ideas of what he should be. Some people still want nothing to do with Jesus and Christianity in the manner of the Pharisees. Can you think of some examples? Why does Jesus produce such a response?
  1. Explain Jesus' point in verses 24-26. How did he prove the Pharisees to be foolish and irrational?
      9.  What is Jesus saying in verse 27?
  1. Verses 28 and 29 are talking about what specific sin?
  2. vv. 31-35 This sections speaks about priorities. What does it say?
  1. What is "doing God's will"? See Galatians 3:
Chapter Four
  1. 4:1-9 What four situations developed when the farmer sowed seed in his field?
  1. Jesus here is speaking a "parable". What is a parable?
  1. What did Jesus mean by his statement in verse 9?
  1. 4:10-12 A word about parables:
The truth of Jesus' parables is not always transparent. Jesus purpose was not to withhold the truth but to cause his hearers to search for it.
For some hearers who had already rejected Jesus against better knowledge, the parables did not give them clear statements to use against Jesus.
For these hearers the parables also served as a judgment against them because they refused to acknowledge not only the truth of Jesus' message but the truth of Jesus' identity. (V. 12 is a quote from Isaiah's judgment against the stubborn people of his day who also rejected the clear truth of God.)
  1. 4:13,14 Was Jesus' story a lesson on farming?
      7  4:15-20 Classify the responses to God's Word indicated in these verses:
 v. 15

v. 16,17

v. 20
vv. 18,19
  1. 4:21 This is not a lesson on interior lighting. What kind of lamp is Jesus talking about? What is his point? (consider the context of the point Jesus has just made in the parable of the sower)
     9.  4:22 Jesus now focuses on what is brought to light by the lamp. Give a few examples of what Jesus is talking about.

 10. 4:24 What does this verse tell us about the use of God's Word?  
  1. 4:25 What encouragement is given here? What warning?
  12.  4:26-29 What is the kingdom of God?  
  1. Test your parable interpreting skills. What is the point of this parable? (See 1 Corinthians 3:6,7)
    14. 4:27-29 In what way is this parable encouraging?  

NOTE: In verse 28, "All by itself" is better translated "automatically" or "as a matter of course".
  1. 4:30-32 What is the relation between the way the kingdom of God is perceived by people and the actual power of that kingdom?
4:33,34 A final word on parables:
  • Mark does not say that Jesus spoke only in parables, but that whenever he spoke to the people he made use of parables
  •  The Gospel had not yet been fully revealed, so the parables matched the hearers' limited degree of understanding  
  • Although Jesus explained the parables to his disciples, the disciples were nevertheless weak in their understanding because all was not yet complete and in clear focus, as it would be at Pentecost
(4:35-41 The Sea of Galilee, because of the geography surrounding it, was subject to sudden squalls)
  1. Whose idea was it to cross the lake? Why did Jesus insist on going, if he knew, as God, that a storm was brewing?  
  2. 4:38 What does the disciples statement here reveal about their regard for Jesus?
  1. It is very much pleasing to God that we come to him when troubled. But. like the disciples, too often we come to him for what purpose?
    19. 4:39 Some critics of the Bible say that most miracles in the Bible are untrue, since they go against the laws of nature What does this passage tell you about such thinking?

   20.  4:40 What does Jesus want the disciples to conclude?
  1. 4:41 What growth do you see in the disciples understanding?

 Chapter Five

5:1-5 What are some traits of demon possession?
5:6-13 Note the strength of the demon's confession about Jesus compared to what the Pharisees were willing to confess regarding Jesus.

Compare the demon's response here with 1:24. What two things do the demons acknowledge about Jesus? (See James 2:19)
Why did the demons request to be sent into the pigs?
Why did Jesus grant their request?

5:14-17 Why were the people afraid? Whose power should we fear more: the devil's power or God's?
5:18-20 The man begged to go with Jesus and be his disciple. What could produce in that man such desire? What produces in us the same intense willingness to follow Christ?

Jesus turned the man's attention from "going with" to "going out". Jesus' purpose was not only to salvage this poor demon-possessed wretch, but to also . . . ? (apply this answer to the salvaged wretches of today, you & me)
 What do we learn from these verses about our motivation for witnessing? About the simple goal of witnessing? About the simple message of witnessing?


5:21-23 What is commendable about Jairus' request?
5:24-29 What is commendable about the woman's rationale? 
5:30-34 What evidence is there here, that to Jesus, we are not just another face in the crowd?

What about this woman's faith healed her? Was it the strength of her faith?


Or . . . ?"Go in peace" was a common Jewish farewell. From Jesus, it meant more

. . . ?than "goodbye", however. It meant

 5:35-40 Why did Jesus take just Peter, James and John with him and not all of the twelve?

Apply Jesus' comment regarding the girl and the wailer's response to Christian and pagan views of death.


5:40-43 What evidence is there of complete recovery?

Why does Jesus give the order not to tell anyone about this?

Chapter Six
6:1-6 Why was Jesus so emphatically rejected in his own hometown?


Why was their lack of faith "amazing"?
How did their lack of faith evidence itself? (see v. 5)

6:7-12 Jesus sends his disciples out on their first preaching tour. They had seen not only "a" master preacher/missionary in Jesus; they had seen The Master at work. However, they still were able to benefit from personal experience. What did Jesus plan for them to learn by . . .


. . . sending them out two by two?
. . . sending them out with only the minimum in provisions?
. . . sending them out with power to cast out demons (2 Corinthians 12:12) and heal people?


and following, Jesus has just been shut down cold by the bitter rejection in hometown Nazareth. And yet what do we find him doing in verse 6? Prior to verse 6 NOTE:


What drove Jesus to keep preaching the Gospel after such stiff rejection? What encouragement is here for us?

6:14-29 Jesus' name and reputation were well-known in Judea. It is tragic that so many knew about him but so few apparently listened to his message.

Paul would later tell Agrippa when he was on trial that he knew about Jesus' life because what he did was not done "in a corner". MANY people knew of Jesus; few truly knew him as Savior.
Regarding the incestuous relationship of Herod and Herodias, not that she was not only his half-brother's wife but also another half-brother's daughter.
People today are a lot like Herod. They know of Jesus, they may, like Herod, be intrigued with God's Word or at least curious; they recognize the righteousness of a Christian's life . . . yet what?
Poor Herod seemed like a man without direction. What guided his actions in this account?
The true tragedy in this account is not that an up-and-coming young prophet was cut down before his prime. The true tragedy Is . . . ?

6:30-44 Luke reports here that Jesus and his disciples went by boat to Bethsaida on the northeast shore

 Pinpoint the 1) Need of the people who came to Jesus 2) Jesus' response to their need and 3) Jesus' means for meeting their need


Mark 7:1-8:10


"Man looks at the outward appearance..."
President Carter once quoted Jesus as saying: "Whoever looks lustfully after a woman has already committed adultery in his heart." How was that statement received? Why?
God gave the Law to man in written form through Moses. As people were trying to apply these commandments to themselves they added the "traditions of the elders", sort of a catechism to it. They were meant as helps to any person who wanted to understand the meaning of the commandments.
In time the traditions, such as what being ceremonially clean meant, were regarded as equal to God's law. Later on, the acts themselves replaced the Law of God. Now children of God were those who ate the proper foods and washed in just the right way. They knelt instead of standing. They raised their hands in prayer rather than folded them. As a result the meaning and purpose of the commandments was lost. It was for Jesus to restore the main purpose of the Law.

I. The account of Mark 7-8:10
A. Clean and unclean vs. 1-23 

1. What two groups criticized Jesus' disciples?
2. How particular were the Pharisees in keeping the "laws"?
3. How had these people lost sight of the real meaning "clean hands" and "unclean hands"?
4. A Corban was a gift designated to God. How were the Pharisees able to legitimitize not caring/supporting their parents in their old age?
5. What was the point Jesus made to His disciples? vs. 17-23
B. The Syrian-Phoenician Woman vs. 24-30

1. Tyre was on the seacoast of the Med. Sea.
2. How did the woman show her faith in Jesus?
3. Why was this so surprising?


 C. Jesus heals a deaf/hearing impaired man vs. 31-37

1. How was faith expressed in this occurrence?
2. How do you understand the part of His spitting?

 D. Jesus feeds 4000 chapter 8:1-13

1. How long were the people without food?
 2. How must food was on hand?
3. How much was left over?

II. Understanding the stories

1. What religious feeling underlies the idea of compulsory fasting, washings etc.?
2. What is the difference between mere lip service and heart and lip faith?
3. What is the difference between worship based on men's traditions and worship based of God's Word?
4. Turn to Psalm 32. What is the point of this psalm?
5. Why is this idea so basic to being a Christian?
6. How had the Pharisees missed this point?
7. Read John 5:39. How does that apply here?


8. What examples of an unclean heart does Jesus list?
9. Read Gal. 5:22-24. What are signs of a clean heart?
10. Why must we be careful about such outward signs?

III. Applying the lesson

1. How can vain worship get a hold of our life?
2. Cite examples of possible "traditions of elders" today?
3. Only when is our heart prepared to worship?
4. What can we do to help those who are hearing impaired hear the Gospel?
5. When did all of us have Jesus say, "Ephphatha!" to us?
6. According to the explanation to the first article, how has God provided us with daily
7. What would you say to someone who says, "God does not feed me; I work and earn my own daily bread."


MARK 8:11 – 9:50


  1. Wouldn't a "heavenly sign" been convincing proof of Jesus' identity? Why didn't he honor the Pharisee's request?
     2.     What does it tell us about Jesus when Mark records that he "sighed deeply"? 
  1. 8:14-21 Jesus took advantage of a lack of bread for the on-board meal to talk about the "yeast" of the Pharisees and Herod. What was this "yeast"?
  1. What "yeasts" do we have to be concerned about?
  1. The disciples betray their ignorance once again. Their thinking was usually in terms of physical things. How did Jesus remind them that they needed to be more concerned with spiritual matters?
  1. Why did this miracle happen in two stages? Didn't Jesus use enough power the first time?
  1. Apply Jesus' dealing with this physically blind person to his dealing with the disciples who were often blind in another sense.
  1. "Who do YOU say that I am?" is a question we also need to answer correctly. What do people in our world say about Jesus' identity?
  1. What did Peter mean by the term "Christ"?
  1. Jesus had spoken in the past about his future sufferings and death, although in a veiled way (2:19,20). Why does Jesus now speak openly about his sufferings and death soon to come?
  1. Why was Jesus so harsh in answering Peter?
  1. What attitudes is Jesus attempting to develop in this section?
  1. Why is this a very appropriate time for the disciples to hear these words?
  1. Why was that generation called "adulterous"?
Mark 9:1-13
Mark 9:1 really goes with chapter 8. In context, it certainly appears that Jesus predicted that some of His disciples would live to see His Second Coming. Knowing that this did not happen forces us to look closely at Jesus' words. He said that they would see God's kingdom come with power. Eleven of the twelve disciples lived to see Jesus rise from the dead, ascend to the right hand of the Father and pour out His Spirit on Jerusalem. Is this not the coming of the Kingdom of God with power?
Tradition says that the mountain of transfiguration is Mt. Tabor near the sea of Galilee (1800 feet tall). The Father honors the Son in three ways: revealing His glory, sending messengers from heaven and proclaiming that Jesus is His beloved Son. Notice the disciples respect Jesus' request and do not tell others what they had seen until later. Seeing Elijah made the disciples wonder if this is what the prophet Malachi (4:5) predicted. Jesus makes it clear that John the Baptist fulfilled Malachi's prophecy (Matthew 17:13).
  1. Why do you suppose that God sent Moses and Elijah on this occasion?
  1. What impact did the transfiguration have on the disciples (Read 2 Peter 1:16-19)?
  1. The resurrection from the dead is taught in the Old Testament (1 Samuel 2:6; Daniel 12:2; Job 19:25-27; Psalm 16:10 and 49:15). Why do you think the disciples-who not only knew this, but had seen Jesus raise a little girl from the dead-debated what Jesus meant by "rising from the dead"?
Mark 9:14-32
We are startled by the comment that the disciples had been unable to cast out this demon. Remember that they had cast out demons previously (Mark 6:13). Jesus' reply (that this kind can come out only by prayer) shows us that the disciples had a spiritual problem. They had thought that they had the power; they had gone to do battle with Satan without relying on the Lord for help, otherwise they would have prayed! Ray C. Stedman says that their faith had changed from faith in God to faith in a process. Their failure had rattled the father, who asks Jesus to help if he can. Jesus calls for faith, not doubt (James 1:6-8).
  1. Many people believe that this boy had a case of epilepsy. Prove them wrong.
       20.  Why can't Jesus' words to the father that all things are possible to those who believe mean that healing depends on the faith of the one healed?

      21.  What does the father's comment about unbelief teach us?

Mark 9:33-50
Perhaps the disciples with Jesus at His transfiguration felt superior to the others. The topic was rank; Jesus turns their thoughts to humble service. What a paradox that the disciples had not been able to cast out a demon and now here was a man who was unknown to them who was able! Jesus uses the situation to teach them tolerance toward fellow believers (for the man clearly was a believer-remember what Jesus taught earlier). In dramatic language, Jesus reminds us that hell is a terrible, eternal consequence for sin.
  1. How should we apply Jesus' words about welcoming children today?
  1. Compare Jesus' statement here (9:40) with His statement in Matthew 12:30. What is His point in each place?
Mark 9:40-
Matthew 12:30-
     24.  Some people use this passage to teach that we should ignore doctrinal differences. Why would this be a misinterpretation?
What application would these verses have to doctrinal differences?
     25.  What is the practical application of Mark 9:50?


Chapter 10
10:1-12 Some background information on this section is helpful:


(from the Peoples' Bible Commentary on MARK, Harold Wicke) "The question of the Pharisees was not a sincere one. They were trying to trap Jesus into saying something they could use to discredit him. The divorce question was made to order, since they themselves were not agreed on the proper interpretation of Moses' words (see Deuteronomy 24:1), Those who followed Rabbi Shammei said the only reason for divorce was moral indecency; those who followed Hillel said that anything in a wife that did not please the husband was grounds for divorce. They expected Jesus to side with one or the other, and they would then have the opportunity to criticize him publically"

  1. Jesus, in reply to the Pharisees' statement that Moses permitted divorce, called attention to WHY GOD MADE PROVISION FOR DIVORCE, namely . . . ?
  1. He also called attention to WHAT GOD INTENDED MARRIAGE TO BE, namely . . . ?
  1. What is Jesus' conclusion about whether it is lawful to divorce? (v. 9)
  1. What are the consequences of unlawful divorce? (NOTE THAT THE GREEK SAYS SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN THE NIV)
NOTE: This account is recorded in the Bible to emphasize God's plan for marriage for mankind. Elsewhere, God speaks about circumstances when divorce is permitted.
  1. References to consider: Matthew 5:32; 19:9 and 1 Corinthians 7:10-15
  1. 10:13-15 Respond to the comment: "You can't fault the disciples for their activities here if they were trying to protect Jesus from needless interruptions so he could spend his time on important matters."
  1. Luke tells us in his account that at least some of these children were "babies" (Greek term: BREPHOS, meaning from an infant to a 2 year-old). That fact, coupled with Jesus' statement that "the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" and the fact that he blessed these children have been used to support infant baptism. How?
  1. What other reasons are there in Scripture for baptizing infants?
  1. What does Jesus mean in verse 15?
  1. Draw some applications from this account regarding the priorities of parents with young children.
Mark 10:17-31 With this young man's opening statement we see two misconceptions, one about Jesus and the other about obtaining eternal life.
  1. What was Jesus attempting to do with his question in v, 18?
  1. The commandments Jesus quotes all deal with our relationships with whom?
  1. The rich young ruler might feel secure about his dealings with men . . . but it is more difficult to feel secure about our relationship with God.
  1. How did Jesus' demand from the man focus on the man's attitude toward God?
  1. If the man would have given up his riches, would he then have felt secure about his getting to heaven?
Make sure you understand what Jesus’ goal was in dealing with this young man.
  1. Key question: Was Jesus’ request that the man give up his riches more like a Prescription? . . . or more like a mirror?
In regard to verse 24, the disciples were amazed because the religious leaders of the day were predominantly wealthy! (and wealth was viewed as a sign that God was on your side- sound familiar?)
  1. Why are Jesus' words in verse 24 true?
  1. In regard to v. 27, pretend you are a disciple listening. You ask Jesus, "What do you mean by that?" What would Jesus have said?
  1. What misunderstanding is evident in Peter's outburst in verse 28?
  1. In verses 29-31 there is both comfort and warning. In what way?
  1. 10:32-34 What made the disciples astonished and the crowds afraid?
  1. 10:35-45 What evidence is there here that Jesus' words didn't penetrate the disciples' attitudes and thinking?
  1. What did Jesus seek to lead James and John to consider in his question in verse 28?
  1. In what way would James and John drink FROM the cup?
  1. Why were the other disciples indignant?
  1. Explain Jesus' point in verses 42-44.
  1. How does verse 45 motivate us to serve others?
  1. 10:46-52 What is the significance of the term the blind man uses when addressing Jesus?
  1. What is significant about the way this man makes his request?
  1. Explain Jesus' words, "Your faith has healed you." Was Jesus directing this man to the strength of his believing or the strength of the object of his faith?

Mark 11


NOTE: Bethany was an eastern suburb of Jerusalem, not far from the Mount of Olives. Bethphage was a nearby village.

  1. What, in this section, proves Jesus' divinity?
  2.  There are several things about Jesus' entry that seem unusual:
3. Why would he not walk into Jerusalem since he traveled that way almost exclusively? (see Zechariah 9:9) 
        4.  did he ride a donkey never before ridden? 
John 11:57 tells us the Jewish Council had an arrest warrant out for Jesus. Several months earlier the Council had decided to do away with Jesus, lest he stir up public sentiment and spirit and force the Romans to come down hard on the whole nation.
  1. Why didn't Jesus sneak into Jerusalem, hidden among the mass crowds thronging to the Holy City for the Passover? Why make a big production of his entry, going right to the temple itself so his enemies couldn't miss him?
NOTE: The people's words of praise are a quotation of Psalm 118:25,26. Their content is definitely "messianic", indicating that they viewed Jesus as the promised descendant of David (2 Samuel 7:11-14) who was on earth for a special (messianic) mission "in the name of the Lord"
"Hosanna" = "save!"
NOTE: Jesus spent the evenings during his last week on earth outside the city in the Mount of Olives area. He spent days teaching in the city.

Focus on vv. 15-19. Why were there money changers in the temple's "Court of the Gentiles"? What was livestock doing there? Why was merchandise passing through this court?
  1. Why did the temple leaders fear Jesus and want to kill him?
  1. Why was Jesus so upset about what was happening in the courtyard?
  1. What warning is there for us in this account?
  1. 11:20-26 What had happened to the fig tree Jesus had passed by the day before?
  1. Of what was this event a picture?
If the disciples were to be fruitful for their Lord, they needed to rely on him in prayer. Jesus encouraged the disciples to believe that God could and would help them.
  1. How could this text be misused, if not interpreted in the light of the rest of Scripture?
  2. 11:27-33 Was this a harmless question from either curiosity or sense of responsibility?
  3. How did Jesus counter-question put the Jewish religious elite between a rock and a hard place?
  4. The religious leaders pleaded the fifth amendment. What, in essence, were they saying by not saying anything?

 It is a sad fact that there are many people today as well who are confronted with the truth of Jesus' deity and Messiahship and who stubbornly still refuse to believe.

Mark 12

Mark 12:1-12  THE PARABLE OF THE TENANTS--A Warning for Us!

1. The Earthly Story

     - vineyard . . . wall . . . winepress . . . watchtower
     - rented . . . sent servants to collect some of the fruit
     - treated shamefully . . . another killed
     - the son, the heir . . . killed him
     - tenants killed . . . vineyard given to others

2.  The Heavenly Meaning

     - the owner =
     - the vineyard =
     - the tenants =
     - the servants =
     - the son =
    - "others" =

 What happened to those who rejected the son?

 The point of the parable = The majority of the ___________ rejected the ____________ so God graciously extends his kingdom to ________________.

3. The Warning for us
     - Who was responsible for the death of the son?
     - How were the tenants who received use of the vineyard similar to us?
     - What did the "others" do to earn the use of the vineyard?
     - Did those Jews who rejected Jesus still have a chance to be saved?
     - So, what's the warning for all of us?
4. Paying Taxes v. 13-17
     Pharisees -
     Herodians -
     denarius -
     What is Jesus teaching us?
5. The Resurrection
Sadducees -

The Levirite Law of Marriage -
What is Jesus teaching us about the Resurrection?
What comfort can we take from the fact that our God is "not the God of the dead, but of the living?


6. Understanding these verses

 v. 28 "of all the commandments" - Jewish rabbis counted _______ individual commands in the law. They attempted to distinguish between "heavy" and "light" commands.
v. 30 "Hear, O Israel . . ." - this was the Jewish confession of faith (to this day it begins every synagogue service)
v. 31 "love your neighbor . . ." - what did Jesus teach us about that word neighbor?
v. 33 "more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices" Didn't God command these as well?
So what does this mean?
v. 34 "You are not far from the kingdom of God"

 7. Applying these words to ourselves 

a. Why is it wrong to say that some sins are greater, or worse, than other sins?
b. How do the 10 Commandments reflect God's command to love Him and our neighbor?
c.    How should this affect the way a Christian lives?
d What warning do we find for a faithful Christian who attends church regularly in v. 33?
e. If we cannot get to heaven by following the 10 Commandments, then why did God give them to us?


 We must admit that we haven't obeyed the "Greatest Commandment" but someone did--in our place His name: ____________.
How has he changed your attitude about following God's commandments?

 Mark 12:41-44  THE WIDOW'S MITE
8. What 2 offerings does Jesus mention?
    Why does Jesus hold up the widow's offering as a God-pleasing one?
9. When she gave her offering, what do you think was going through her mind in regard to:
      how she would provide for herself?
      how she could have better used that money?
10. Do you think she was tempting God by giving away all she had to live on? Why or why not?
11. How could a lack of trust in God affect our offerings?
12. How could greed affect our offerings?
13. How could a very generous offering given to the Lord not be pleasing to God?
14. What does God want from us before an offering can be pleasing to him?

2 Corinthians 8:12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.
Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

Chapter 13
I. The lesson-The Last Things
A. The lead-in vs. 1-2

 1. What impressed one of His disciples?
2. What impression did such an appearance give?
3. Yet what did Jesus say in reply?

B. The summary vs. 3-4 

1. Where did Jesus and His disciples go?
2. What two things is Jesus going to be discussing?

C. Times and signs

1. vs. 5-8 General signs of the end

a. What are the signs?(3)
b. What does vs. 7 tell us about such things?


2. vs. 9-13 Personal/Confessional signs of the end

a. What signs of the end will involve Christians?(3)
b. Why will Christians undergo such treatment?(2)
c. Can you give example of vs. 12's fulfillment?
d. Considering all this, why must a Christian be "on guard"?

3. vs. 14-23 Historical signs of the end

a. Vs. 14 "The abomination" Zealots admitted Idumeans into temple for pagan sacrifices
b. Vs. 14-18 Siege of Jerusalem by Titus, 66-70 A.D.
c. Vs. 21ff. What would also occur at that time?
d. According to vs. 20, how severe would this be?
e. What value does vs. 23 hold for Christians under persecution or stress?

 4. vs. 24-27

 a. What will signify the real end of time?
b. What will happen on the last day?

 D. Lesson of the fig tree vs. 28-36

1. What lesson concerning fig trees does Jesus mention?
2. What lesson should this teach all Christians?
3. What does the "all things" refer to in vs. 30?
4. How does vs. 31 serve as a comfort to Christians?
5. Who does not know the date for the end of time?
6. Why doesn't God tell us that?
7. What is the task(s) we have been given while we wait?
8. What is the result of "sleeping on the job"?

 II. Discussion 

1. Some churches insist upon a millennial kingdom on earth that Jesus supposedly will set up. Find two reasons for rejecting the idea of a visible kingdom of Christ on earth that will bring peace and harmony.
2. Why do you suppose people flock to hear how Jesus is supposedly going to set up this new earthly kingdom?
3. What are some of the things Jesus suggest we do to remain faithful during every test of faith?



I. The lessons 

A. Jesus anointed: 14:1-11

1. What happened at Simon's house?
2. What criticism was made? Was it justified?
3. How did Jesus defend her?
4. Could vs. 9 be used to support saint worship? Explain.

 B. The Lord's Supper: 14:12-26

1. What celebration was about to be observed?
2. Where did the Lord observe the Passover?
3. How did they eat? What did they eat?
4. What matter had to be taken care of before the Sacrament was begun?
5. According to vs. 21, why could Judas not claim that God made him betray Jesus?
6. What are the words of institution?

C. Jesus in the Garden: vs. 27-42

1. Why do you think did Peter claim that he would never leave or disown Jesus?
2. Why the three disciples? Why not all the others?
3. What do we learn about Jesus from His prayer?
4. How do you understand vs. 38?

D. Jesus arrested: 14:43-52

1. How many people showed up for the arrest?
2. Who had his ear cut off?
3. Why had these people come out at this time to arrest Jesus?
4. Who was the young man who almost got caught? 

E. The Sanhedrin: 14:53-65

1. How do you understand vs. 57-59, especially the words, "Yet even their testimony did not agree"?
2. Who of the Sanhedrin apparently were not present for the trial? Why not?
3. What is blasphemy?

 F. Peter's denials: 14:66-72

1. Who accused him of being a disciple?
2. Why was Peter so afraid?
3. Missing is the matter of Jesus looking at Peter just as Peter denied Him the third time. What must have been happening all this time?

 II. Understanding the chapter

1. Is the Real Presence taught in vs. 23-26?
2. Compare that to 1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:27.
3. What would you say to someone who says, "I cannot understand how this
can take place”?
4. What lessons concerning praying do we learn here?
5. Why do you suppose Judas betrayed Jesus?
6. Do we have roosters crowing in our lives today?
7. What constitutes a temptation?
8. What constitutes Jesus' look to us today?

Mark 15

I. The lesson
A. Jesus before Pilate vs. 1-15

1. What portions of the Lenten History does Mark leave out?
2. How does vs. 15 illustrate Pilate's motives?

B. Jesus mocked vs. 16-20

1. How did the soldiers mock Jesus?


 2. What made this mockery so ironic?
3. Pretend you were one of those soldier, now appearing before the Lord's throne. How would you try to
defend your actions? What would He say to you?

C. Crucifixion vs. 21-41

 Why did Simon have to carry the cross?
Would you consider him fortunate?
What groups of people mocked Jesus while He hung on the cross?
3. How do you picture vs. 33?
4. What is the significance of Jesus' words in vs. 34?
5. What effect did Jesus' death have on things?
6. What meaning do you see in vs. 40-41? 

D. His burial vs. 42-46

 1. Who was Joseph?
2. Why in a cave? 

II. Understanding the lesson

1. What meaning did the tearing of the curtain have?
2. Who killed Jesus?
3. Why do we sometimes call Jesus' death vicarious? (cf. 1 Tim. 2:6)
4. For whom did Jesus die? Why is that so important a message?


Mark 16

 Introduction: In this chapter we see the suffering Servant shed His role of servant. In victory He becomes the ruling Lord. But the title servant has not disappeared. He has passed it down to us. Easter, then, is more than just proof of Jesus coming to life. It means that Jesus is preparing us for our role as servant.
I. The lesson

 A. The angel's announcement vs. 1-8

1. Who brought the spices?
2. What day of the week?
3. What message did they speak?

 B. Mary Magdalene vs. 9-11

1. How did Jesus minister to her?
2. Was she the first to see Jesus alive?
3. How was her message taken?

C. Two men vs. 12,13

1. Apparently, what two men does this refer two?
2. How do these verses describe Jesus' glorious body?

D. The ten men vs. 14-18

1. Why were there only 10 disciples?
2. For what did Jesus fault them?                               Explain?
3. Where do you find the Great Commission taught here?
4. How is Baptism described as a saving sacrament?
5. What signs would accompany His disciples?

E. The ascension vs. 19,20

1. How is the ascension described here?
2. What was the purpose of His ascension?
3. When did vs. 20 take place?
4. How were the disciples able to do such things? 

II. Understanding the lesson

A. We believe the resurrection. There are too many witnesses. What doctrines or teachings would be worthless if Jesus had not risen?
B. In what words does Jesus give Baptism its all-important place in the teaching and
practice of the Church?
C. According to Acts 2:38,39, how did Peter show that he understood the promise in baptism?
D. Why does Jesus let us live in this world?
E. How do you understand the statement that Jesus rose on the third day?
F. How does that affect the idea of the resurrection of the body?

Final Instructions - 5:12-28
1. v. 12 Which group of God's representatives is he talking about here?
2.     What words in v. 13 does Paul use to encourage the Thessalonians to honor their pastors, regardless of their personality?
3. v. 15 How is this idea so different from what comes natural to us?
4. v. 16-18 What advice would you have, especially for younger Christians, about how to put these words into practice?
5. v. 19 How do people put out the Spirit's fire?
6.     How can we keep that from happening in our congregation?
        What essential truths does Paul once again lay in front of the recipients?
8.     What is the importance of his exhortations in the closing?

Final Instructions - 5:12-28
1. v. 12 Which group of God's representatives is he talking about here?
2.     What words in v. 13 does Paul use to encourage the Thessalonians to honor their pastors, regardless of their personality?
3. v. 15 How is this idea so different from what comes natural to us?
4. v. 16-18 What advice would you have, especially for younger Christians, about how to put these words into practice?
5. v. 19 How do people put out the Spirit's fire?
6.     How can we keep that from happening in our congregation?
        What essential truths does Paul once again lay in front of the recipients?
8.     What is the importance of his exhortations in the closing?



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