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Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church


 Leader: Pastor Warskow

I Timothy

“Pastoral” Letter
   A. The Title “Pastoral”
           1. Definition -
           2.“Official” letters as seen in their style, form, and content
                      a. Opening verses -
                      b. Closing verses -
                      c. 1 Timothy 1:3; 2:7 -
                      d. 1 Timothy 1:15; 3:1 -
                      e. Content
                                1)  1 Tim. 3 -
                                2)  1 Tim. 2 -
                                3)  1 Tim. 5 & 6 -
                                4)  1 Tim. 1 & 4 -
  B. Historical Background of 1 Timothy

           1. 1 Tim. 1:3 - Where was Timothy when this letter was written?
           2. 1 Tim 3:1ff - What can we assume already existed in Ephesus?
           3. When was the congregation in Ephesus founded? (cf Acts 18:18&19 and Acts 19)
           Conclusion: When is the earliest 1 Timothy could have been written?
            4. Follow Timothy and Paul from Ephesus

  Acts 19:22 - To where did Paul send Timothy from Ephesus?  

  1. 1. Closing verses –

  1. 1 Timothy 1:3; 2:7 –

 1 Timothy 1:15; 3:1 -  

  1. Acts 20:1-5 - What is Paul’s route after leaving Ephesus?

  1. Who accompanied him?

  1. Col. 1:1; Phm 1; Phil. 1:1 –

5.Where was Timothy now?

Conclusion: When is the earliest 1 Timothy could have been written?
  E.  Purpose of this Pastoral Letter
  F. Value of the Pastorals

    “Among the letters of Paul there are none which connect Paul the writer so closely with Paul the worker who is portrayed in the Book of Acts as the Pastoral Letters. This is Paul the worker, consumed in the white heat of the ministry, the missionary, the organizer, and the discipler at work. Missionaries have always found these letters indispensable and have often understood them better than the armchair interpreters back home. Consecrated pastors and teachers have found in them their own New Testament within the New Testament and have lived of them and by them, soberly and successfully in the daily round of their duties” (Martin Franzmann, The Word of the Lord Grows).

  G. The Life and Ministry of Timothy
           1. Childhood

               2 Tim. 1:5 -


               2 Tim. 3:14-15 -    

           2. Paul’s Second Journey

               Acts 16:1-3 -
               Acts 17:14-15 -
               1 Thess. 3:2,6 –
               Acts 18:5;  2 Cor. 1:19 -
           3. Paul’s Third Journey
               1 Cor. 4:17;  16:10 -
               Acts 19:22 -
               Acts 20:1-5 (2 Cor. 1:1; Rom 16:21) -

           4. Paul’s First Imprisonment

               Col. 1:1; Phm. 1; Phil. 1:1 -

           5. Paul’s “Fourth Journey”

               Phil 2:19 -
               1 Tim. 1:3 -

           6. Paul’s Second Imprisonment

               2 Tim. 4:9,11,21-

           7. Miscellaneous

               1 Tim. 4:12 -
               1 Tim. 1:2,18; 2 Tim 1:2, 2:1 -
               1 Tim. 5:23 -
               2 Tim. 1:6,7 -
               Heb. 13:23 -


 I.  1:1-2   Greeting
  II. 1:3-20   Warning Against False Teachings and Thankfulness for Mercy
           A.  1:3-11       The false teachers of the law
           B.   1:12-17    Paul’s experience of God’s mercy
           C.   1:18-20    Charge to Timothy: Fight the good fight
   III. 2:1-3:16    Organization of the Churches
           A.   2:1-15    Instructions on Worship
                      1.   2:1-7    The importance and scope of public prayer
                      2.   2:8-15   Specific instructions to men and women
           B.   3:1-13    Qualifications for church leaders
                      1.   3:1-7    Overseers
                      2.   3:8-13  Deacons
           C.   3:14-16   Summary and doxology
IV. 4:1-16   An Approaching Apostasy
           A.   4:1-5    The nature of the apostasy
           B.   4:6-16   How Timothy should deal with it
V. 5:1-6:2   Instructions Regarding Different Groups
           A.   5:1-2     Various age groups
           B.   5:3-16    Widows
                      1.   5:3-8     Widows in need
                      2.   5:9-10    Widows as Christian workers
                      3.   5:11-16  Young widows
           C.   5:17-25   Elders
           D.   6:1-2       Slaves
VI. 6:3-21    Miscellaneous Injunctions
           A.   6:3-5      False Teachers and their greed
           B.   6:6-10    Warning against covetousness
           C.   6:11-16  Second charge to Timothy: Fight the good fight
           D.   6:17-21  Postscript
                      1.   6:17-19    Guidance for the rich
                      2.   6:20-21a   Final charge to Timothy
                      3.   6:21b        Benediction

1 TIMOTHY, Chapter 1

 Chapter 1 - Oppose those who teach falsely

Opening Greeting  Verses 1-2

Why does Paul stress that he is an apostle of  Jesus?  After all Timothy never questioned it.
Acts 22:21 is the account of his calling.
“Grace, Mercy & Peace”  -  What is the special meaning of each?

The False Teachers  Verses 3-7

“Command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer”. What does the fact that Paul uses the word “command” tell you?
What was the false teaching?  Why was it so dangerous?  Give some modern day examples.
What “command” is Paul referring to in verse 5?  How does it promote love?
How is it that their false teaching was meaningless talk? What is the point for us to remember?
In verse 7 Paul gives more detail as to the false teaching. What did it involve?

The Purpose of the Law   Verses 8-11

How do people, even Christians, make the Law appear bad?  Consider Catholicism.
How is the principle in verse 9 true of all law?
What is the purpose of the law? (Romans 7:7; 3:20)
Is the law for Christians? (2 Corinthians 5:21; Psalm 14:3)
The word “sound” in the Greek means “healthy”.  Explain it’s significance.

The Riches of God’s Mercy  Verses 12-14

How did the Gospel Paul preached personally affect him? Explain.
How does God call people into public service today?
How must Paul have felt about being called by God after his tainted past?
Why does he mention faith and love together?
Is Paul exaggerating by calling himself the worst sinner?
Why did God chose Paul to be his spokesman?
By directing people to the law these false teachers robbed Christ of the glory due him.  But the Gospel of salvation through Christ alone leads to the praise and glory of God.

Avoiding Shipwreck  Verses 18-20

“The prophecies once made about you.”  See 4:14.  What do we do at the installation of a pastor which is similar.
How can we “fight the good fight”?   Explain
“Handed over to Satan”. What does Paul mean? What is the purpose?


1 TIMOTHY, Chapter 2

  Chapter 2:1-4:16 - Instruct & Guide God’s People In Worship, Faith, & Life

Intro.  Fighting the good fight of faith requires more than opposing and excluding false teachers. It is more than defensive. Explain.

Prayer for All - 2:1-7

Let’s look at the significance of each of Paul’s encouragements in verse 1.
Requests –

Prayers –
Intercession –
Thanksgiving -

We often ask “what” we should pray for. What is Paul’s emphasis?
Whom should we include in our prayers?  Apply.
What do you find surprising about whom Paul names in particular? (Jeremiah 29:7)
Verse 2b and 3 give us two reasons to pray for everyone. What are they?
The first three petitions of the Lord’s Prayer tell us what blessings we should ask of the Lord for everyone.
“Hallowed Be Thy Name”  -
 “Thy Kingdom Come” -
“Thy will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven” -
How does verse 5 answer those who say that we all believe the same God, but call him by different names?
Why does Paul clarify Jesus’ manhood: “the man Christ Jesus”?  Hebrews 2:14,15
Evaluate:  Every human being’s sins have been paid for?

A Word to Men - 2:8

Why might he tell only men he wants them to pray in “every place”.
“Holy hands”; “Without anger or disputing.” What does this remind us about our prayer life?

A Word to Women - 2:9-15

Keep in mind Paul is speaking to Timothy about serving a congregation. When he speaks about
prayer, and roles of man and woman he is talking about in public worship as well as private.
What makes a woman beautiful?
What is the general principle with regard to what women wear?
Why does he use braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes as an example of what not to
Is Paul saying these things are wrong in and of themselves?
What is the principle found in verse 12?  What is the application found in verse 12?
What is the basis or origin of this prinicple?   Explain. (Genesis 2:7,18,22)
When were these roles reversed?
What was the outcome?
Who was held responsible? Gen. 3:17
Genesis 3:16 - What would happen to 2 blessings in particular that God had given?
What can’t verse 15 mean? What does Paul seem to be saying?
Other passages to help understand the role of man and woman:

- Wives submit to husbands. He holds out prospect that unbelieving husband may be won to Christ by such a godly wife. There is nothing demeaning about bringing glory to Christ. Husbands are admonished not to take advantage of their wives.1 Peter 3:1,2
- Church submitting to church is not demeaning, nor when women submit to husbands. Husbands will avoid making it demeaning by loving and caring as Christ loved the Church.Ephesians 5:22-33

Galatians 3:26,28 - Both men and women are equal in God’s eyes.

1 TIMOTHY, Chapter 3

Chapter 2:1-4:16 - Instruct & Guide God’s People In Worship, Faith, & Life

3:1-7  Qualified Overseers

What is the closest position the modern church has to an “overseer”?  1 Tim. 5:17
We have different titles for a Pastor. What comes closest to the title “overseer” (shepherd), and which closest to the title “elder”?
In a day when less and less young people are going into the ministry and greater numbers are quitting, what can we do to encourage them in this “noble task”.
Does “above reproach” call for a pastor to be sinless and perfect?  What is the point? What reminder for both pastor and parishioner is there in this?
 “The husband of but one wife” is another qualification. Explain. How might we restate this in modern terms?               
Explain the practical application of the following qualifications.
        “Temperate” -
        “Self-controlled” -
        “Respectable” -
        “Hospitable” -
        “Able to teach” -
        “Not given to drunkenness” -
        “Not violent, but gentle, not quarrelsome” -
        “Not a lover of money” -
        “Manage his own family well” -
        “Not a recent convert” -
        “Good reputation with outsiders” -
Can any pastor measure up to them?


3:8-13  Qualified Deacons

What were qualifications of a deacon?
What were a deacon’s responsibilities? Acts 6
What is the closest position the modern church has to a “deacon”?
Verse 11 could be referring to a deacon’s wife as the NIV translates. But literally it says, “Women likewise are to be worthy of respect.”  What else could he be saying? Romans 16:1,2. 
Why doesn’t he say this in regard to overseers?
What is the outcome of faithful service?


3:14-16  Reason for the Instruction

Paul cannot wait until he is able to be with them to share these words. Why is Paul so concerned with the well-being of the church? Consider how he addresses the church.
What awesome responsibility does he give to us, the church?
How should we properly view our church, then?
What is this truth according to Paul?


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